Homeless Encampment Cleanup Services | Steri-Clean® California
Steri-Clean® California has been the industry leader in the state for professional homeless encampment cleanup services and homeless camp disinfection, including the removal of trash, drug paraphernalia, and human waste, for over 25 years.
With homeless encampments, there are often both solid waste and biohazard materials to contend with upon implementing the cleaning of an area. A homeless encampment can be defined as an area where one or more people live in an area without shelter; the area can be on private property or a physical location that is owned by a government agency. While we certainly understand the human aspect is important in this situation, we also understand the need for our public areas and citizens to be safe and free from exposure to needles, biohazards, and other dangers.
At Steri-Clean California we only deal with the non-human aspects of cleaning up homeless encampments. From city to city administrative codes vary with regards to “clean up thresh-holds”. Upon initiating this type of clean up we do a thorough assessment of the area to be cleaned and provide a detailed plan so you are aware of the steps we are taking to get the job done in the most efficient and safe manner. This allows the city proper time for legal posting of impending cleanup and mandatory vacate orders and allows the homeless people appropriate time to gather their belongings and relocate.
Call Us Today For Expert Homeless Encampment Cleanup Services.
Types Of Waste Associated With Homeless Encampments
Non-Regulated Waste/Trash
Human and Animal Waste
Needles, Syringes, and Other Drug Paraphernalia
Combustible and Non-Combustible Waste
Spoiled Food
Dead Animals
Electronic Waste
Abandoned Vehicles
Stolen Items
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